Computer Science
If the offset value is set to 2, beginning of the file would be taken as seek position.
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tell() method of Python tells us the current position within the file.
The offset argument to seek() method indicates the number of bytes to be moved.
To open a file c:\test.txt for reading, we should give the statement:
- file1= open("c:\ test.txt", "r")
- file1 = open("c:\\ test.txt", "r")
- file1 = open(file = "c:\ test.txt", "r")
- file1 = open(file = "c:\\s test.txt", "r")
To open a file c:\test.txt for writing, we should use the statement:
- fobj = open("c:\test.txt", "w")
- fobj = open("c:\\test.txt", "w")
- fobj = open(file = "c:\test.txt", "w")
- fobj = open(file = "c:\\test.txt", "w")