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Computer Science

If the file 'poemBTH.txt' contains the following poem (by Paramhans Yoganand) :

God made the Earth;
Man made confining countries
And their fancy-frozen boundaries.
But with unfound boundLess Love
I behold the borderLand of my India
Expanding into the World.
HaiL, mother of religions, Lotus, scenic beauty, and sages!

Then what outputs will be produced by both the code fragments given in question1.


Python File Handling




my_file = open('poemBTH.txt', 'r')
God made the Earth;
Man made confining countries
And their fancy-frozen boundaries.
But with unfound boundLess Love
I behold the borderLand of my India
Expanding into the World.
HaiL, mother of religions, Lotus, scenic beauty, and sages!


This code reads the entire content of the file poemBTH.txt into a single string. Since no specific number of characters is specified, it will read until the end of the file (EOF) is reached.


my_file = open('poemBTH.txt', 'r')
God made the Earth;
Man made confining countries
And their fancy-frozen boundaries.
But with unfound 


This code reads the first 100 characters from the file "poemBTH.txt" into a string. It is important to note that the newline at the end of each line will also be counted as a character.

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