History & Civics

Identify the person in the picture and mention his contribution to India's freedom struggle under the following heads:

(a) His views about the nature of British imperialism.

(b) His achievement in strengthening Indian nationalism.

(c) His views on the cause of poverty in India.

Identify the person in the picture and mention his contribution to India freedom struggle under the following heads: (a) His views about the nature of British imperialism. (b) His achievement in strengthening Indian nationalism. (c) His views on the cause of poverty in India. First Phase of the Indian National Movement, Total History and Civics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

1ˢᵗ Phase of INM



The person shown in the picture is Dadabhai Naoroji.

(a) As an economic thinker, Dadabhai Naoroji came to the conclusion that the root cause for the economic ills of India was the exploitation of India by the British.

  1. He understood that the British were exploiting the resources of India for their own benefit.
  2. He founded the Bombay Association and edited the newspaper Rast Goftar.
  3. He started a magazine 'Dharma Marg Darshak' in which he criticised the unjust policies of the British.
  4. He started movements against Vernacular Press Act and the atrocious treatment of poor peasants by zamindars.

(b) Dadabhai Naoroji played a significant role in strengthening Indian nationalism. His role in the Congress was praiseworthy.

  1. He took an active part in the foundation of the Indian National Congress and was elected its President thrice, in 1886, 1893 and 1906 respectively.
  2. Resolutions on Self-government, Boycott, Swadeshi and National Education were passed by the Congress under his Presidentship.
  3. The credit for demanding Swaraj from the Congress platform for the first time (1906) goes to him.
  4. In his Presidential address, he said that the Congress wanted Self-government or Swaraj like that of the United Kingdom or the Colonies.

(c) Dadabhai Naoroji was an economic thinker.

  1. He came to the conclusion that the root cause for the economic ills of India was the exploitation of India by the British.
  2. Dadabhai's views on Indian economy are given in his work entitled 'Poverty and Un-British Rule in India'.
  3. His famous 'Drain Theory' explained how India's wealth was being 'drained' to England through various ways.

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