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How does the deviation produced by a prism depend on

(i) the refractive index of its material, and

(ii) the wavelength of incident light

Refraction Plane Surfaces



(i) For a given angle of incidence, the prism with a higher refractive index produces greater deviation than the prism which has a lower refractive index.

For example — A flint glass prism produces more deviation than a crown glass prism for same refracting angle since μflint > μcrown

(ii) The refractive index of a given transparent medium is different for the light of different colours. It decreases with the increase in the wavelength of light.

Thus, the refractive index of the material of a prism for visible light is maximum for the violet colour and minimum for the red colour.

Consequently, a given prism deviates violet light the most and red light the least.

(i.e. δ violet > δ red since μviolet > μred )

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