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How can the knowledge of the processes of reproduction help people in limiting the size of their families? Give two concrete examples.




It is necessary that the people should be educated about the need to limit the population and about the steps which can be taken in this direction —

  1. Married couples should be educated to delay the birth of their first child, to space the second with a sufficient interval for proper upbringing and to stop the third. They should also be educated to adopt family planning methods by which they can prevent pregnancy after two children. These include devices for both men and women, for example — Condoms, intrauterine devices (IUD) and oral pills.
  2. The orthodox view, to have at least one son especially in Indian society, should be modified with education. People should be educated that their greed for a son can lead to numerous children in the household which would worsen both their family's health and wealth. They should focus on proper upbringing of the child, be it a son or a daughter.

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