Given below is the figure of a stoma. Study the same and answer the following questions:

(a) Label the guidelines A and B.
(b) Write the exact location of the above mentioned structures.
(c) Mention one important role of structure A.
(d) Write three important roles of structure B.
(e) Redraw the same figure when structures A are in flaccid condition. When does flaccid condition occur ?
(a) The guidelines A and B are:
- A → Guard cells
- B → Stoma
(b) Most of them are found under the leaf i.e. abaxial side of leaf.
(c) It regulates the opening and closing of the stomata.
(d) Three important roles of structure B are:
- Transpiration.
- Intake of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
- Respiration.
(e) The flaccid condition occurs when there is less absorption of water. In such condition the cells lose their turgidity and the stomata closes.

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