Given below is the diagram of an experimental set-up:

a. What is the objective of this experiment?
b. Will it work satisfactorily? Given reason.
c. What alteration (s) will you make in it for obtaining expected result?
d. Would you take any step before starting the experiment? Describe this step and explain its necessity.
(a) The objective is to prove that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.
(b) No, the experiment will not work satisfactorily because, the beaker contains lime water which does not absorb CO2
(c) To obtain expected result replace the lime water from potassium hydroxide because it absorbs carbon dioxide.
(d) Before starting the experiment, it is necessary to destarch the leaves of the plant by keeping the plant in complete darkness for 48 hours. This is because if the plant is not destarched, then the experiment will give false results because starch stored previously may be detected in the leaf placed in the beaker even if no starch is produced during the experiment.
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