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Given below is a set of six experimental set-ups (A-F), kept in this state for about 24 hours.

In how many flasks, the different plant parts have been kept under observation? What is the purpose of keeping a test-tube containing limewater in each flask? Respiration in Plants, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 9.

(a) In how many flasks, the different plant parts have been kept under observation?

(b) What is the purpose of keeping a test-tube containing limewater in each flask?

(c) In which tube/tubes the limewater will turn milky?

(d) What is the purpose of the set-up F?

(e) What conclusion can you draw from this experiment?

Plants Respiration



(a) The different plant parts for observation have been placed in five flasks right from A-E flasks as observed in the diagram.

(b) It is the property of limewater to absorb Carbon dioxide. Hence it is placed in the flask, so as to absorb Carbon dioxide and turn milky in the presence of any Carbon dioxide.

(c) Limewater turns milky in the presence of Carbon dioxide. All five flasks from A to E have plant parts hence respiration takes place in all five parts causing the limewater to turn milky. In flask F, respiration does not take place as there is no plant part, hence no change is observed

(d) In the experiment, the setup F depicts the experiment control, wherein all conditions are maintained in the same way except for the plant part that is absent in flask F.

(e) The experiment clearly shows that Carbon dioxide is produced during the process of respiration.

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