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Given below is a diagram of the external features of the human heart. Study the figure and answer the questions that follows :

Label the guidelines shown as 1 to 6 in the figure. Write the important role of parts 5 and 6. Circulatory System, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 10.

(a) Label the guidelines shown as 1 to 6 in the figure.

(b) Write the important role of parts 5 and 6.

(c) Name the chamber of the heart which collects blood from the lungs through a blood vessel. Also write the name of the blood vessel.

(d) Write one structural and one functional difference between the blood vessels 4 and 5.

(e) What happens when there is a blockage in any coronary artery or any of their branches?

Circulatory System



(a) Labelled guidelines are:

1 → Aortic Arch

2 → Left atrium

3 → Left ventricle

4 → Aorta

5 → Inferior vena cava

6 → Superior vena cava

(b) Inferior vena cava transports deoxygenated blood from the posterior or the lower region of the body (including abdomen and legs) to heart and superior vena cava transports deoxygenated blood from the anterior or upper regions of the body (including head, chest and arms) to the heart.

(c) Left Atrium collects blood from Lungs. The blood vessel involved is Pulmonary vein.

(d) One structural and one functional difference between Inferior vena cava and Aorta is:

Inferior vena cavaAorta
Thin wall and wide lumen.Thick wall and narrow lumen.
Transports deoxygenated blood to heart.Transports oxygenated blood from heart to body parts.

(e) When there is a blockage in any coronary artery or in any one or more of their branches, there is deadening of the corresponding area of heart muscles leading to myocardial infarction (i.e., heart attack).

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