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Given alongside are two figures (A and B) representing the two stages of evolution of human beings.

Given alongside are two figures (A and B) representing the two stages of evolution of human beings. Mention any two contrasting characters between the two stages. Write all the stages of human evolution in their correct sequence. State any two characteristic features of stage B. Human Evolution, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 10.

Answer the following:

(a) Mention any two contrasting characters between the two stages.

(b) Write all the stages of human evolution in their correct sequence.

(c) State any two characteristic features of stage B.

Human Evolution



Stage A → Australopithecus

Stage B → Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man)

(a) Contrasting characters between Australopithecus and Homo sapiens sapiens :

CharactersAustralopithecusHomo sapiens sapiens
Cranial capacity450 to 600 cm31450 to 1600 cm3
Development of chinLack of chin, prognathous faceProminent chin, snout disappeared

(b) Stages of human evolution in their correct sequence:

Australopithecus → Homo habilis → Homo erectus → Neanderthal man → Cro-Magnon man → Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man)

(c) Characteristic features of stage B (Homo sapiens sapiens):

  1. Bipedal locomotion with four reversed curves in the spine.
  2. Thoracic region flattened into a broad chest by flattening of sternum.

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