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Give the biological / technical terms for the following:

(i) A mixture of smoke and fog.

(ii) Capacity of our body to resist diseases.

(iii) Fixing of developing zygote on the uterine wall.

(iv) The permanent stoppage of menstruation at about the age of 45 years in a female.

(v) The hormone increasing reabsorption of water by kidney tubules.

(vi) A thin membrane covering the entire front part of the eye.

(vii) The lens of eye losing flexibility resulting in a kind of long-sightedness in middle aged people.

(viii) The number of persons living per square kilometre at any given time.

(ix) The sound produced when the atrio-ventricular valves close in the heart.

(x) The process by which white blood cells engulf bacteria.


ICSE 2015



(i) Smog

(ii) Immunity

(iii) Implantation

(iv) Menopause

(v) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) / Vasopressin

(vi) Conjunctiva

(vii) Presbyopia

(viii) Population Density

(ix) LUBB

(x) Phagocytosis

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