Give reason/suitable explanation for each :
(a) Nerium loses less amount of water during transpiration.
(b) More transpiration occurs from the under surface of a dicot leaf.
(c) Transpiration increases with the velocity of wind.
(d) Leaves of some plants wilt during midday and recover in the evening.
(e) Guttation normally occurs during early mornings or late nights.
(f) Forests tend to bring more rains.
(a) Nerium loses less amount of water during transpiration because they have sunken stomata that are covered with hair like structures called trichome.
(b) More transpiration occurs from the under surface of a dicot leaf because the number of stomata is more on abaxial (lower) side of leaf.
(c) Transpiration increases with the velocity of wind because when wind blows faster, the water vapour released during transpiration is removed faster and the area outside the leaf does not get saturated with water vapour.
(d) Leaves of some plants wilt during midday due to high rate of transpiration. They usually recover by evening as the loss of water is compensated by absorption.
(e) Guttation normally occurs during early mornings or late nights when there is least transpiration. The hydrostatic pressure built, forces out the excess water directly from the tips of veins in the leaf.
(f) Due to transpiration, huge quantities of water are released into the atmosphere by vast stretches of forests. Thus, transpiration increases the moisture in the atmosphere and brings more rain.
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The given figure represents an experiment:
(a) Leaf A was coated with grease on both the surfaces.
(b) Leaf B was coated with grease on the lower surface.
(c) Leaf C was coated with grease on the upper surface.
(d) Leaf D was left without any application of grease.All the four leaves A, B, C and D were left in a room for about 24 hours.
(i) Which leaf dries first? Give reason.
(ii) Which leaf dries last? Give reason.Given below is the diagram of an apparatus used to study a particular phenomenon in plants:
(a) Name the apparatus.
(b) What is it used for?
(c) What is the role played by the air-bubble in this experiment?
(d) What is the use of the reservoir?
(e) What happens to the movement of the air-bubble if the apparatus is kept:
- In the dark
- In sunlight
- In front of a fan
Give a reason in each case.