Give reasons/explain:
It is necessary to place a plant in the dark before starting an experiment on photosynthesis.
A plant used for experiments on photosynthesis should initially be placed in the dark for 24 to 48 hours to destarch the leaves. During this period, all the starch will be removed from the leaves and stored in the storage organs. The leaves will not show the presence of starch. So the various experiments on photosynthesis can be carried out effectively.
Related Questions
Define the following terms:
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Thylakoids
(c) Chloroplast
(d) Photolysis of water
(e) Polymerisation
Given below is the figure of an experimental set-up, showing a physiological act of the plants. Study and answer the following questions.
(a) What is the objective of this experiment ?
(b) Name and define the process shown here.
(c) Why do we destarch the leaves before performing the experiment ?
(d) How do we destarch the leaves ?
(e) What will be the observation when we pour iodine solution over the bleached experimental leaf.
(f) Write a well-balanced equation of the above process.
Give reasons/explain:
It is not possible to demonstrate respiration in a green plant kept in sunlight.
Give reasons/explain:
Most leaves have the upper surface more green and shiny than the lower surface.