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Give reasons why:

(i) Sodium Chloride will conduct electricity only in fused or aq. soln. state.

(ii) In the electroplating of an article with silver, the electrolyte sodium argentocyanide soln. is preferred over silver nitrate solution.

(iii) Although copper is a good conductor of electricity, it is a non-electrolyte.


ICSE 2016



(i) The ions Na+ and Cl are not free but held together by strong electrostatic force of attraction. In fused or molten state the ions break free and move. Hence, NaCl will conduct electricity only in fused state or aq. soln. state.

(ii) Migration of Ag1+ ions from sodium argentocyanide solution is slow compared to that from silver nitrate. Hence, an even deposition of metal silver is obtained on the article. Therefore, the electrolyte sodium argentocyanide soln. is preferred over silver nitrate solution.

(iii) Copper does not undergo chemical decomposition due to flow of electric current through it. Hence, copper is a good conductor of electricity but it is a non-electrolyte.

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