Computer Applications
Give output of the following method definition and also write the mathematical operation they carry out:
void test3(char c)
System.out.println( (int) c);
if 'm' is passed to c.
User Defined Methods
This method prints the ASCII code of its argument. When 'm' is passed to this method, its ASCII code which is 109 gets printed as the output.
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A method is a program module that is used simultaneously at different instances in a program. It helps a user to reuse the same module multiple times in the program. Whenever you want to use a method in your program, you need to call it through its name. Some of the components/features of a method are as described below:
(a) It defines the scope of usage of a method in the user's program.
(b) It is the value passed to the method at the time of its call.
(c) It is a return type that indicates that no value is returned from the method.
(d) It is an object oriented principle which defines method overloading.
Write the appropriate term used for each component/feature described above.