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Give appropriate biological technical terms for the following:

(i) The sensory organ in Cochlea.

(ii) Number of live births per 1000 people per year.

(iii) The point of contact between two neurons.

(iv) The accessory gland in human males whose secretion neutralises the acid in the vagina.

(v) Condition when blood sugar level is lowered in the blood.

(vi) Structure which helps in the adjustment of the size of the pupil.

(vii) A surgical method of fertility control in human males.

(viii) Process by which leucocytes migrate through the walls of capillaries.

(ix) A sudden inheritable change in one or more genes.

(x) A non-dividing phase of the cell cycle where more DNA is synthesised.

Sense Organs

ICSE 2020



(i) Organ of Corti

(ii) Birth rate

(iii) Synapse

(iv) Prostate gland

(v) Hypoglycemia

(vi) Iris

(vii) Vasectomy

(viii) Diapedasis

(ix) Mutation

(x) Synthesis Phase (S)

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