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Give appropriate biological / technical terms for the following:

(i) The type of immunity that exists in our body due to our genetic makeup.

(ii) The suppressed allele of a gene.

(iii) The accessory gland in human males whose secretion activates the sperms.

(iv) An apparatus that measures the rate of water uptake in a cut shoot due to transpiration.

(v) The kind of twins formed from two fertilised eggs.

(vi) A pair of corresponding chromosomes of the same size and shape, one from each parent.

(vii) The mild chemical substance which when applied on the body kills germs.

(viii) The type of waste generated in hospitals and pathological laboratories.

(ix) The antiseptic substance in tears.

(x) Cellular components of blood containing haemoglobin.

Health Aids

ICSE 2017



(i) Innate / Inborn / Natural immunity

(ii) Recessive

(iii) Seminal vesicles

(iv) Potometer

(v) Fraternal twins

(vi) Homologous chromosomes

(vii) Antiseptic

(viii) Biomedical waste

(ix) Lysozyme

(x) RBCs / Erythrocytes

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