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Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) The forest area has greatly depleted in India.

(ii) The Tropical Evergreen forests are found on the western slope of the Western Ghats.

(iii) Acacia has long roots.

Natural Vegetation



(i) The forest area has greatly depleted in India as forests have been cleared for the purpose of cultivation. Timber has become an important commercial resource. Rapid industrialization, urbanisation and expansion of cities has also led to the destruction of forest cover in the country.

(ii) The Tropical Evergreen forests are found on the western slope of the Western Ghats because evergreen forests are found in areas of high temperature and high annual rainfall. Western Ghats receive more than 200 cms. of annual rainfall with an average annual temperature between 25°C and 27°C.

(iii) Acacia has long roots so that the roots can reach deep, ground water resources and therefore, survive drought like conditions.

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