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Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) The length of day and night is not equal at all places on the earth.
(ii) The period of twilight and dawn increases polewards.
(iii) 25th of December in New Zealand may be one of the hottest days of the year.

Rotation & Revolution



(i) The length of day and night is not equal at all places on the earth due to the tilted axis of the earth and the migration belt of the sun between Tropics of Cancer and. Capricorn.

(ii) The period of twilight and dawn increases polewards because of the oblique path of the sun rays towards the poles than the vertical path along the equator. Thus, the length of dawn and twilight is greater, as it is nearly one hour near equator and 50 days at the poles.

(iii) On December 22, the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. The sun shines directly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn. The places in the southern hemisphere experience the summer season. Therefore, 25th of December in New Zealand may be one of the hottest days of the year.

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