
Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) Forests constitute an important natural resource.

(ii) Agro forestry is not vulnerable to population stress.

(iii) Tidal forests have profuse growth with tangle of climbers.

Natural Vegetation



(i) Forests constitute an important natural resource because trees provide us with products such as fruits, leaves, roots and tubers of plants. Wood is used for making furniture and as a source of energy. Wood and bamboo pulp is used to make paper. Forests also provide fibers, essential oils, edible plants etc.

(ii) Agro forestry is not vulnerable to population stress as agro forestry co-ordinates with the local population and reduces the pressure of population on traditional forestry.

(iii) Tidal forests have profuse growth with tangle of climbers to survive in soft and shifting mud.

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