
Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) Littoral forest vegetation has breathing roots.

(ii) Forests are often compared to human lungs.

(iii) Van Mahotsav is celebrated in our country every year.

Natural Vegetation



(i) Littoral forest vegetation has breathing roots because these root enable the plants to breathe during the waterlogged conditions which occur when high tide comes.

(ii) Forests are compared to human lungs as the trees which make up a forest act as the compartment of lungs which help in inhalation and exhalation of the air. But in lungs, Oxygen is taken in and Carbon dioxide is given out whereas in trees carbon dioxide is inhaled and oxygen is exhaled.

(iii) Van Mahotsav is celebrated in our country every year to create awareness about the importance of trees and encourage community participation in planting trees.

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