
Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit for commercial purposes.

(ii) Delta area of river Ganga is called Sunderbans.

(iii) Forests are grown in and around the cities having Iron and Steel Industries, and Thermal Power Plants.

Natural Vegetation



(i) Tropical Evergreen Forests are difficult to exploit for commercial purposes because of the tangled mass of canes, palms, bamboos, ferns and climbers along with the lack of means of transport.

(ii) Delta area of river Ganga is called Sunderbans because the forests in this area have sundari trees.

(iii) Forests are grown in and around the cities having Iron and Steel Industries, and Thermal Power Plants because the level of pollution is much higher in areas where industries are located and forests prevent pollution and act as a barrier for the dust and purify the air.

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