
Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) Kanyakumari experiences an equable climate.

(ii) Chennai has a lower annual range of temperature than Lucknow.

(iii) Mangalore experiences more rainfall than Mysore.




(i) Kanyakumari experiences equable climate because it is located near the coast, and there is not much difference between the temperatures during the summer and winter.

(ii) Chennai is located at lower latitude and is closer to the equator as compared to Lucknow. Besides Chennai is close to the sea so it experiences moderate climate whereas Lucknow is located away from the sea and hence it experiences continental type of climate. Therefore, Chennai has a lower annual range of temperature than Lucknow.

(iii) Mangalore lies on the windward side of Western Ghats and Mysore lies on the leeward side of the Western Ghats. Since areas located on the windward side receive more rainfall than the areas located on the leeward side, Mangalore experiences more rainfall than Mysore.

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