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Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) Western part of Rajasthan is a desert region.

(ii) Kochi has a lower annual range of temperature than Agra.

(iii) The Northern plains and Punjab receive winter cyclonic rain in winter.




(i) The western part of Rajasthan is a desert because the Aravali range lies parallel to the moisture laden winds coming from the Arabian Sea. Since they do not obstruct the winds, it does not rain in western Rajasthan.

(ii) Kochi has a coastal location while Agra is located away from the sea. Due to the influence of the moist winds from the sea, Kochi experiences a moderate climatic condition throughout the year whereas Agra has extreme temperature conditions resulting in high annual range of temperature than Kochi.

(iii) The Northern plains and Punjab receive winter cyclonic rain in winter due to the western disturbances entering the Indian sub-continent from the North-west.

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