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Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) Western Rajasthan receives no rain from the Arabian Sea branch of the South-West Monsoon winds.

(ii) Mangalore is not cold even in the month of December.

(iii) Even in summer Shimla is cooler than Delhi.




(i) Western Rajasthan receives no rain from the Arabian Sea branch of the South-West Monsoon winds because the Arabian Sea branch of the South west monsoon blows parallel to the Aravali hills. Since the moisture-bearing winds do not strike the mountains, they do not cause any rainfall in Western Rajasthan.

(ii) Mangalore is situated along the Western Coast of India. Therefore, it experiences moderate impact of land breezes and sea breezes all through the year. This keeps the weather of Mangalore moderate i.e. neither too hot nor too cool. Hence, it is not cold even in the month of December.

(iii) Shimla is cooler than Delhi in summer because it is located at a higher altitude than Delhi and the temperature decreases with the height at a rate of 1°C for every 166 m of ascend.

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