Computer Science
Fill in the missing lines of code in the following code. The code reads in a limit amount and a list of prices and prints the largest price that is less than the limit. You can assume that all prices and the limit are positive numbers. When a price 0 is entered the program terminates and prints the largest price that is less than the limit.
#Read the limit
limit = float(input("Enter the limit"))
max_price = 0
# Read the next price
next_price = float(input("Enter a price or 0 to stop:"))
while next_price > 0 :
<write your code here>
#Read the next price
<write your code here>
if max_price > 0:
<write your code here>
else :
<write your code here>
#Read the limit
limit = float(input("Enter the limit"))
max_price = 0
# Read the next price
next_price = float(input("Enter a price or 0 to stop:"))
while next_price > 0 :
if next_price < limit and next_price > max_price:
max_price = next_price
#Read the next price
next_price = float(input("Enter a price or 0 to stop:"))
if max_price > 0:
print("Largest Price =", max_price)
else :
print("Prices exceed limit of", limit);
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(a) int
(b) float
(c) bool
(d) str
(e) function
(f) list of int
(g) list of str(i)
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