Extending upwards, the earth is enveloped by a blanket of gases. Name it.
- Lithosphere
- Hydrosphere
- Atmosphere
- Chamber
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What life sustaining unit contains only one per cent of the earth's mass?
- biosphere
- lithosphere
- crust
- mantle
Mohorovicic discontinuity is found at about …………… beneath the oceans and …………… beneath the continents.
- 8 km, 32 km
- 8 km, 10 km
- 10 km, 60 km
- 10 km, 40 km
The entire core is about …………….. km in diameter.
- 5000
- 6000
- 7000
- 8000
The average thickness of Mantle is ……………… km.
- 2500
- 2700
- 2900
- 2300