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Explain the meaning of the following terms:

  1. Deflation hollow
  2. River meander
  3. Block disintegration.




  1. Deflation hollow — The wind lowers the ground by blowing away the unconsolidated materials giving rise to large depressions called deflation hollow.
  2. River meander — S-shaped loops formed in the middle course of the river in plains are called meanders. When the river moves slowly, it bends on a flat surface and swings outward to form larger meanders.
  3. Block disintegration — It is a type of weathering in which rocks split along the joints into large rectangular shaped blocks. It occurs in well-jointed rock such as granite due to temperature change. It is partially effective in areas with great diurnal range of temperature (10°C to 15°C or more) and barren rocks without a protective vegetation cover.

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