Computer Science
Explain the given built-in string functions and provide the syntax and example of each.
(a) replace()
(b) title()
(c) partition()
Python String Manipulation
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(a) replace() — This function replaces all the occurrences of the old string with the new string. The syntax is str.replace(old, new)
For example,
str1 = "This is a string example"
print(str1.replace("is", "was"))
Thwas was a string example
(b) title() — This function returns the string with first letter of every word in the string in uppercase and rest in lowercase. The syntax is str.title()
For example,
str1 = "hello ITS all about STRINGS!!"
Hello Its All About Strings!!
(c) partition() — The partition()
function is used to split the given string using the specified separator and returns a tuple with three parts: substring before the separator, separator itself, a substring after the separator. The syntax is str.partition(separator)
, where separator argument is required to separate a string. If the separator is not found, it returns the string itself followed by two empty strings within parenthesis as tuple.
For example,
str3 = ""
result = str3.partition("@")
('xyz', '@', '')
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