Explain the cause of dispersion of white light through a prism.
The cause of dispersion of white light is the change in speed of light with wavelength.
When white light enters the first surface of a prism, light of different colours due to their different speeds in glass, gets deviated through different angles towards the base of the prism i.e., the dispersion (or splitting) of white light into its constituent colours takes place at the first surface of prism.
Violet colour is deviated the most and red colour the least.
Therefore, light of different colours present in white light follows different paths inside the glass prism and then strikes the second surface of prism
On the second surface of prism, only refraction takes place (from glass to air) and different colours are deviated through different angles i.e., violet is deviated the most and red the least. As a result colours get further separated on refraction at the second surface.
The light emerging out of prism, thus has different colours that spread out to form a spectrum on the screen.
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