Computer Science
Evaluate the following for each expression that is successfully evaluated, determine its value and type for unsuccessful expression, state the reason.
(a) len("hello") == 25/5 or 20/10
(b) 3 < 5 or 50/(5 - (3 + 2))
(c) 50/(5 - (3 + 2)) or 3 < 5
(d) 2 * (2 * (len("01")))
Python Data Handling
(a) len("hello") == 25/5 or 20/10
⇒ 5 == 25/5 or 20/10
⇒ 5 == 5 or 2
⇒ True or 2
⇒ True
The type of result is Boolean.
(b) 3 < 5 or 50/(5 - (3 + 2))
⇒ True or 50/(5 - (3 + 2)) [∵ first operand is True, second operand is not evaluated so no division by 0 error happens]
⇒ True
The type of result is Boolean.
(c) 50/(5 - (3 + 2)) or 3 < 5
⇒ 50/(5 - 5) or 3 < 5
⇒ 50/0 or 3 < 5
⇒ Division by Zero Error
As the denominator of or operator's first operand is 0, Division by Zero error occurs.
(d) 2 * (2 * (len("01")))
⇒ 2 * (2 * 2)
⇒ 2 * 4
⇒ 8
The type of result is Integer.
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