During repeated eruptions the summit of a volcano may be blown up leaving a large depression called:
- Caldera
- Hot springs
- Geysers
- Circum belt
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A huge magma chamber which is joined to the earth's surface by a conduit under a volcano:
- Volcano
- Vent
- Dormant volcano
- Volcanic vent
The lava flows out through an opening in the earth's crust called:
- Vent
- Volcano
- Volcanic vent
- Plate tectonics
…………… is a fountain of hot water and steam that escapes when underground water comes into contact with hot volcanic rocks.
- Caldera
- Hot springs
- Geysers
- Volcano
Which of the following is NOT correct?
- Extinct Volcano: Mt. Kenya
- Dormant Volcano : Mt. Kilimanjaro
- Extinct Volcano : Mt. Etna
- Active Volcano : Mt. Stromboli