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Draw a cumulative frequency curve (ogive) for the following distributions :

Class intervalFrequency
10 - 1923
20 - 2916
30 - 3915
40 - 4920
50 - 5912




The above distribution is discontinuous converting into continuous distribution, we get :

Adjustment factor = (Lower limit of one class - Upper limit of previous class) / 2

= 20192=12\dfrac{20 - 19}{2} = \dfrac{1}{2}

= 0.5

Subtract the adjustment factor (0.5) from all the lower limits and add the adjustment factor (0.5) to all the upper limits.

Classes before adjustmentClasses after adjustmentFrequencyCumulative frequency
10 - 199.5 - 19.52323
20 - 2919.5 - 29.51639 (23 + 16)
30 - 3929.5 - 39.51554 (39 + 15)
40 - 4939.5 - 49.52074 (54 + 20)
50 - 5949.5 - 59.51286 (74 + 12)

Steps of construction of ogive :

  1. Since, the scale on x-axis starts at 9.5, a break (kink) is shown near the origin on x-axis to indicate that the graph is drawn to scale beginning at 9.5.

  2. Take 2 cm = 10 units along x-axis.

  3. Take 1 cm = 10 units along y-axis.

  4. Ogive always starts from a point on x-axis representing the lower limit of the first class. Mark point (9.5, 0).

  5. Take upper class limits along x-axis and corresponding cumulative frequencies along y-axis, mark the points (19.5, 23), (29.5, 39), (39.5, 54), (49.5, 74) and (59.5, 86).

  6. Join the points marked by a free hand curve.

The required ogive is shown in the below figure:

Draw a cumulative frequency curve (ogive) for the following distributions. Graphical Representation, Concise Mathematics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

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