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Draw a circuit diagram using the dual control switches to light a staircase electric light and explain it's working.

Household Circuits



Below circuit diagram shows the use of dual control switches to light a staircase electric light:

Draw a circuit diagram using the dual control switches to light a staircase electric light and explain it's working. Household Circuits, Concise Physics Solutions ICSE Class 10.

Two switches S1 and S2 are used. The switch S1 is fitted at the bottom and the switch S2 at the top of the staircase. Figure (a) shows the off position of the bulb.

The bulb can now be switched 'on' independently by either the switch S1 or the switch S2. If the switch S1 is operated, the connection 'ba' is changed to 'bc', which completes the circuit and the bulb lights up [figure. (b)]

Similarly, on operating the switch S2 from the position shown in figure (a), the connection 'bc' changes to 'ba' which again completes the circuit figure (c) and the bulb lights up.

Similarly, if the bulb is in 'on' position as shown in figure.(b) one can switch 'off' the bulb by changing the connections 'bc' to 'ba' either by operating the switch S1 or the switch S2. But, if the bulb is in 'on' position as shown in figure (c), it can be switched 'off' by changing the connections 'ba' to 'bc' either by the switch S1 or by the switch S2.

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