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Does the sex of the child depend on the father or is it just a matter of chance? Discuss.




The sex of the child depends upon the kind of sperm that fertilises the egg. The egg contains only one X chromosome, but half of the sperms released into the genital tract of the female during coitus are X-bearing and the remaining half are Y-bearing. It is simply a matter of chance as to which category of sperm fuses with the ovum:

  • If the egg (X) is fused by X-bearing sperm, the resulting combination is XX i.e. female constitution and the child produced is a female (Daughter).
  • If the egg (X) is fused by Y-bearing sperm, the resulting combination is XY i.e. male constitution and the child produced is a male (Son).
Does the sex of the child depend on the father or is it just a matter of chance? Discuss. Genetics, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 10.

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