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Distinguish between Absolute Humidity and Relative Humidity.




Absolute HumidityRelative Humidity
It is the measure of the actual amount of water vapour in the air, regardless of temperature.It measures water vapour in air but relative to maximum vapour that the air can hold at that temperature.
It is expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter of air.It is expressed as the ratio between the absolute humidity of a given mass of air and the maximum amount of water vapour that it can hold at the same temperature.
The higher the amount of water vapour, the higher is the absolute humidity.Warm air possesses more water vapour than cold air, so with the same amount of absolute humidity, air will have a different relative humidity depending on temperature.
In weather calculations, absolute humidity is generally not taken into account.It is the essential characteristic of weather forecasts, which indicates the likelihood of precipitation, dew or fog.

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