
Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned in brackets :

(i) Photolysis and Photophosphorylation. (Definition)

(ii) Bicuspid valve and Tricuspid valve. (Function).

(iii) Vasectomy and Tubectomy. (Explain)

(iv) Cerebrum and Spinal cord. (Arrangement of nerve cells)

(v) Bowman's capsule and Malpighian capsule. (Parts included)


ICSE 2013



(i) Difference between Photolysis and Photophosphorylation. (Definition)

Chlorophyll gets activated by absorbing light energy. The absorbed energy is used in splitting the water molecule (H2O) into its two components (Hydrogen and Oxygen) and releasing electrons. This reaction is known as Photolysis.Formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate by the utilization of energy released by electrons emitted due to photolysis of water. This process is called Photophosphorylation.

(ii) Difference between Bicuspid valve and Tricuspid valve (Function).

Bicuspid valveTricuspid valve
Prevents the reverse flow of blood from left ventricle to left atriumPrevents the reverse flow of blood from right ventricle to right atrium

(iii) Difference between Vasectomy and Tubectomy. (Explain)

It is the process in which vas deferens from each testes is ligated and a small piece between the two ligatures is removed. It is contraceptive practice in males.Tubectomy is the process which involves cutting or ligating of fallopian tubes by nylon thread to close the passage of egg. It is contraceptive practice in females.

(iv) Difference between Cerebrum and Spinal cord. (Arrangement of nerve cells)

CerebrumSpinal cord
The grey matter containing cytons lies in the cortex (outer region) while the white matter containing axons lies in the medullary region (inner region).The grey matter containing cytons lies in the medullary region (inner side) while the white matter containing axons lies in the cortex i.e. (outer region).

(v) Difference between Bowman's capsule and Malpighian capsule. (Parts included)

Bowman's capsuleMalpighian capsule
Bowman's capsule is a thin walled (single-cell thick epithelium) cup, containing the glomerulus.The Bowman's capsule along with the knot-like mass of blood capillaries called glomerulus together are known as Malpighian capsule.

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