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Differentiate between (i) strong and weak acid (ii) strong and weak alkali with suitable examples and ionic equations.

Acids Bases Salts



(i) Differences between strong and weak acid are as follows :

Strong AcidWeak Acid
Strong Acid is an acid which dissociates almost completely in aqueous solution there by producing a high concentration of hydrogen [H+] ions [or H3O+ ions]Weak Acid is an acid which dissociates only partially in aqueous solution thereby producing a low concentration of hydrogen [H+] ions [or H3O+ ions].
HNO3 + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + NO3- [contains almost only ions]CH3COOH ⇌ CH3COO- + H+ [contains molecules and ions]
Examples : Hydrochloric, Sulphuric and Nitric acid.Examples : Acetic, citric, carbonic, and formic acid.

(ii) Differences between strong alkali and and weak alkali are as follows :

Strong alkaliWeak Alkali
Strong Alkali is an alkali which dissociates almost completely in aqueous solution thereby producing a high concentration of hydroxyl [OH-] ions.Weak Alkali is an alkali which dissociates only partially in aqueous solution thereby producing a low concentration of hydroxyl [OH-] ions.
NaOH [aq.] ⇌ Na+ + OH- [contains almost only ions]NH4OH [aq.] ⇌ NH4+ + OH- [contains molecules and ions]
Examples : Lithium, Sodium and Potassium hydroxideExamples : Ammonium hydroxide and Calcium hydroxide.

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