Differentiate between guttation and transpiration.
S. No. | Guttation | Transpiration |
1. | It occurs from the edges of leaves by hydathodes. | It occurs from whole plant surface through stomata, lenticel and cuticle. |
2. | It occurs in early morning or night. | It occurs in the presence of sunlight. |
3. | Loss of water is in liquid form. | loss of water is in vapour form. |
4. | It has no effect on turgidity. | It may lead to loss of turgidity and cause wilting. |
5. | Opening of hydathodes are not regulated. | Stomatal transpiration is regulated by guard cells. |
6. | It has no cooling effect. | It has cooling effect. |
7. | It occurs in humid condition. | It occurs in dry condition. |
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