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Describe one experiment you would perform to demonstrate the phenomena that the germinating seeds produce heat.

Plants Respiration



Aim — Experiment demonstrating the fact that germinating seeds produce heat.

Experiment demonstrating the fact that germinating seeds produce heat. Respiration in Plants, Concise Biology Solutions ICSE Class 9.

Procedure —

  1. Name two thermo flasks as 'A' and 'B', keep them aside
  2. Take about 30g of pea or beans seeds and soak them in water for more than 24 hours.
  3. Split the seeds into two equal groups approximately
  4. One group of seeds are killed by boiling them and washing them with dilute formaline in order to restrict bacterial decay
  5. The live germinating seeds need to be placed in flask A and the boiled/killed seeds in flask B.
  6. Introduce a thermometer into each of the flasks and seal their mouths with cotton wool.
  7. Take note of the initial reading observed in the thermometer.

Inference —

  1. A few hours later, thermometer in the flask A shows a higher reading depicting that the seeds that germinate generate heat.
  2. Flask B shows no rise in the temperature.

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