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Describe in brief how would you determine the approximate focal length of a convex lens.

Refraction Lens



The principle used for determination of approximate focal length of a convex lens is as follows —

A beam of parallel rays from a distant object incident on a convex lens gets converged in the focal plane of the lens.

In an open space, against a white wall, place a metre rule horizontally with its 0 cm end touching the wall, with its other end towards the illuminated object at a very large distance.

By moving the convex lens to and fro along the length of the metre rule, focus the object on the wall. Since, the light rays incident from a distant object are nearly parallel, the image of it formed on the wall is almost at the focus of the lens.

So, from the image, the distance of the lens is read directly from the metre scale. This gives the approximate focal length of the lens.

Describe in brief how would you determine the approximate focal length of a convex lens. Refraction through a lens, Concise Physics Class 10 Solutions.

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