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Computer Applications

Describe four features of Java.

Java Intro



Four features of Java are:

  1. Object Oriented — Java is an object-oriented programming language because it treats everything as an object. The entire program code and data resides within objects and classes. This enables us to easily use and extend the object model.
  2. Robust — Java is a robust and reliable programming language. It has strict compile time and runtime checking of data types. Memory allocation and de-allocation is automatic in Java, so there is less for the programmer to worry about.
  3. Platform Independent — The concept of "Write once, run anywhere", is one of the most important and powerful features of Java. Java applications can run on any platform that has a corresponding JVM installed on it.
  4. Simple — Java is simple and easy to learn programming language. The removal of many unreliable features of C and C++ (its predecessors) has simplified its understanding and implementation.

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