
Define the following terms

  1. Causeway
  2. Contours
  3. Depression
  4. Stony waste
  5. Fire line
  6. Surveyed tree
  7. Brackish
  8. Meander
  9. Broken ground
  10. Embankment
  11. Diggi
  12. Pylons

Topographical Maps




  1. Causeway — A raised road or platform across a stream is known as Causeway. A stream having a causeway is motorable during dry season. Hence too many causeways indicate scanty or seasonal rainfall.

  2. Contours — The lines drawn in brown colour, joining places having same elevation above sea level are called contours.

  3. Depression — A hollow created on the top of mound or dune in sandy area, formed by blowing away of sand by the wind is called depression.

  4. Stony waste — The land covered with rock boulders and stones, where cultivation is not possible is called Stony waste. It is shown on a survey sheet as a white patch.

  5. Fire line — A clearing made in the forest to prevent spread of fire is called fire line.

  6. Surveyed tree — It serves as a prominent survey point, shown in black.

  7. Brackish— Brackish written beside a perennial lined well indicates that the water of the well is salty, and not fit for irrigation or drinking.

  8. Meander— A bend in the river flowing through a flat land or plain during its middle stage is called meander.

  9. Broken ground— Uncultivable land, generally found along the banks of a stream of river in arid regions where the top soil is easily eroded due to flooding during rainy season is called broken ground.

  10. Embankment— A bank or mound constructed along a tank or artificial lake to prevent flooding is called embankment.

  11. Diggi— A tank that is used for the collection of water is called diggi.

  12. Pylons— Tall metal structures that holds electric cables high above the ground are called pylons.

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