(a) Respiration
(b) Hypoxia
(c) Asphyxiation
(d) Breathing
(e) Vital capacity
Respiratory System
(a) Respiration — Respiration is the biochemical process of releasing energy by breaking down glucose for carrying out life processes.
(b) Hypoxia — Hypoxia is the deficiency of oxygen reaching the tissue. It may occur due to over crowding with poor ventilation or at high altitudes.
(c) Asphyxiation — Asphyxiation is a condition in which the blood becomes more venous by accumulation of more carbon dioxide and the oxygen supply is diminished.
(d) Breathing — Breathing is a physical process in which the atmospheric air is taken in and forced out of the oxygen-absorbing organs, the lungs.
(e) Vital capacity — Vital Capacity is defined as the volume of air that can be taken in and expelled out by maximum inspiration and expiration. It is 4500 ml.
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