Computer Science
Considering the following definition of dictionary COMPANY, write a method in Python to search and display the content in a pickled file COMPANY.DAT, where CompID key of the dictionary is matching with the value '1005'.
Company = {'CompID' = ........., 'CName' = ........., 'Turnover' = .........}
Let the file "COMPANY.DAT" include following data:
Company1 = {'CompID': '1001', 'CName': 'ABC', 'Turnover': 500000}
Company2 = {'CompID': '1003', 'CName': 'DEF', 'Turnover': 600000}
Company3 = {'CompID': '1005', 'CName': 'LMN', 'Turnover': 900000}
import pickle
def company(comp_id):
found = False
file = open("COMPANY.DAT", "rb")
while True:
company_data = pickle.load(file)
if company_data['CompID'] == comp_id:
print("Company ID:", company_data['CompID'])
print("Company Name:", company_data['CName'])
print("Turnover:", company_data['Turnover'])
found = True
except EOFError:
if found == False:
print("End of file reached. No such records found.")
print("Search Successful")
Company ID: 1005
Company Name: LMN
Turnover: 900000
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