Computer Applications
Consider the below picture and choose the correct statement from the following:

- Polygon is the object and the pictures are classes
- Both polygon and the pictures are classes
- Polygon is the class and the pictures are objects
- Both polygon and the pictures are objects
Objects & Classes
ICSE 2024
Polygon is the class and the pictures are objects
Reason ā In object-oriented programming (OOP), a class is a blueprint or template that defines the properties and behaviours (methods) of objects. An object is an instance of a class that holds specific data defined by the class.
In this case:
- Polygon represents the class because it defines the general structure, properties, and methods common to all polygons (e.g., sides, vertices, perimeter calculation).
- The pictures are specific examples or instances of polygons, such as triangles, parallelogram, or pentagons, making them objects created from the Polygon class.
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