
Complete the statements by selecting the correct word from the words in brackets.

  1. The salt solution which does not give an insoluble precipitate on addition of ammonium hydroxide in small amount is ………….. [Mg(NO3)2/NaNO3/Cu(NO3)2]
  2. The alkaline behaviour of liquor ammonia is due to the presence of ………….. ions, [ammonium/hydronium/hydroxyl]
  3. Ammonia in the liquefied form is ………….. [acidic/basic/ neutral]
  4. Ammonia reduces chlorine to ………….. [nitrogen/hydrogen chloride/ ammonium chloride]
  5. The chemical not responsible for ozone depletion is ………….. [methyl chloride / ammonia / chloroflourocarbons]




  1. The salt solution which does not give an insoluble precipitate on addition of ammonium hydroxide in small amount is NaNO3
  2. The alkaline behaviour of liquor ammonia is due to the presence of hydroxyl ions.
  3. Ammonia in the liquefied form is basic
  4. Ammonia reduces chlorine to hydrogen chloride
  5. The chemical not responsible for ozone depletion is ammonia

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