Complete the following sentences —
(a) Pressure at a depth h in a liquid of density ρ is ___ .
(b) Pressure is in all directions about a point in a liquid.
(c) Pressure at all points at the same depth is _.
(d) Pressure at a point inside a liquid is __ to it's depth.
(e) Pressure of a liquid at a given depth is _ to the density of liquid.
Fluids Pressure
(a) Pressure at a depth h in a liquid of density ρ is h ρ g.
(b) Pressure is same in all directions about a point in a liquid.
(c) Pressure at all points at the same depth is same.
(d) Pressure at a point inside a liquid is directly proportional to its depth.
(e) Pressure of a liquid at a given depth is directly proportional to the density of liquid.
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