
Compare :

(a) sodium atom and sodium ion

(b) chlorine atom and chloride ion

with respect to

  1. atomic structure
  2. electrical state
  3. chemical action
  4. toxicity

Chemical Bonding



(a) Comparison between sodium atom and sodium ion:

PropertySodium AtomSodium Ion
Atomic StructureIt has one electron in M shell.It has 8 electrons in L shell.
Electrical StateIt is neutral.It is positively charged.
Chemical ActionIt is very Active.It is inactive.
ToxicityIt is poisonous.It is non-poisonous.

(b) Comparison between chlorine atom and chloride ion:

PropertyChlorine AtomChloride Ion
Atomic StructureIt has 7 electrons in M shell.It has 8 electrons in M shell.
Electrical StateIt is neutral.It is negatively charged.
Chemical ActionIt is very Active.It is inactive.
ToxicityIt is poisonous.It is non-poisonous.

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