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Choose the ODD one out from the following terms given and name the CATEGORY to which the others belong:

Example: Nose, Tongue, Arm, Eye

Answer: Odd Term – Arm, Category – Sense organs

(i) Detergents, X-rays, sewage, oil spills

(ii) Lumen, muscular tissue, connective tissue, pericardium

(iii) Dendrites, Medullary Sheath, Axon, Spinal cord

(iv) Centrosome, Cell wall, Cell membrane, Large vacuoles

(v) Prostate gland, Cowper's gland, seminal vesicle, seminiferous tubules.

Nervous System

ICSE 2018



(i) Odd term: X-rays
    Category: Others are the pollutants of water.

(ii) Odd term: Lumen
     Category: Others are connective tissues.

(iii) Odd term: Spinal cord
      Category: Others are parts of nerve cell(neuron).

(iv) Odd term: Centrosome
      Category: Others are parts of the plant cell.

(v) Odd term: Seminiferous tubules
     Category: Others are accessory glands of male reproductive system.

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